Faith, Hope & Healing

In Piagetian terms, the schema is a hypothesized mental structure that organizes information. It is politically incorrect to even talk about it in terms of its effects. We don't know why some parents struggle with their mood in the early years of parenthood and others don't, but it remains a …

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Have A Strong Supporting Cast

His focus on gaining social intelligence was the turning point of his career--it transformed him into the preeminent observer of human nature, a man with a magical ability to see into people. The stones are certainly not from the treasure of an Indian princess. If you don't actively listen to …

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Nine Days At A Time

You'll typically find them loitering near water coolers in corporate offices, sucking the enthusiasm right out of newbies who arrive full of those intangibles. That's why I'm usually ready for battle even in my sleep. At what point do we say a child (or adult) is, or is not, gritty …

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Take A Meander

Miasms and Vivaxis cords are energetic issues pertaining to the physical energetic field, but not the other boundaries. Thou shalt not interpret words except as the speaker interprets them. The people around him were clamoring for an encore. This made a huge impression on me and is something that I …

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Coping With Fidelity

When he didn't do something we asked, or if he did something we were trying to eliminate (like biting his sister), we immediately and calmly led him to The Chair and made him work at something he found mundane. They have long used the positive effects of hypnosis-like techniques such …

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Loner Thinking Alone

They cause inflammation in the brain, free radical damage, demyelination of neurons, reduce mitochondrial function, and nerve disease. Something unexplainable happens when you write a goal, and everybody I've spoken to who has put this principle to the test says the same thing. If I felt that something wasn't right …

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Turn Bargaining Into A Game

A lot of people can't believe it, but I don't regard my experiences as negative, Bruce says. From the opening gun to the finish line, Hemery dominated the field, winning by almost a second--an eternity in this race--and smashing the world record (held by Vanderstock) by eight-tenths of a second …

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Looked Down On

I sent an email to a friend in publishing, asking for advice. If you can tolerate writing about your birth, then the Birth House can be quite valuable. There were more articles describing how sports teams used tCDS to improve player performance, how computer gamers ran electricity through their brains …

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Don't Expect Responsiveness Every Day

They didn't mean that Robert suffered fewer hardships than other people--since he didn't pack an umbrella, he probably got rained on more than his share. We have small minds for reacting to emergencies, for detecting sharp changes in the environment, and many minds of the body which control health. So …

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Stages Of Practice

Spiritual factors are often overlooked in traditional treatment for depression, but no one knows better how to restore you to health than God. The things that will keep you honest in spite of this are your symptoms and your level of energy. Hold your head upright, roll your shoulders back …

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Is Involvement Worth The Effort?

As you might suspect, not all minority-group members share equally the expectation of being the target of prejudice. It makes everything worthwhile to walk around the corner and see a six-year-old taking initiative to apologize to his younger brother for hitting him. Microexpression for anger is centered, mainly, in the …

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Cultivate Partiality

These positive or minor events were described as having symbolic value in their lives, most particularly taking on additional roles and social responsibilities. I found it hugely inspiring to discuss my beliefs in neuroscience and biological determinism with Rowan, who comes at the subject from an alternative perspective. This made …

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Thousand Watt Bulb

Although she was young, Sherry Paul reminded me of an old schoolmarm. If you're not sure where to begin, start by making a commitment to print your ten favorite photos each month--images that showcase your world, whether they're selfies, candid shots of friends and family, memorable meals, or random beautiful …

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First Indication Of Knowledge Of Human Nature

Is it a coincidence the world's elite consciously avoid the habits of the masses like social media, TV and the news, gossip and drama websites and shows, destructive music, destructive people, playing games on phones, and constantly going out to drink with friends? With all of that said, this was …

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Another Obstacle To Affinity

Take one moment at a time if things feel too overwhelming. It requires seeing a demand and creating a sup-ply, filling a niche or a void, or empowering a chain by providing a stronger link. If you are waking your baby for feedings, there are a few techniques that are …

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Turn Compassion Into A Game

We got totally hammered on our first night there, and they all talked the barmaids into coming back to their hotel rooms. The brain does, in fact, have its own GPS-like system, and here we will explore the many dramatic discoveries that have been made about it. Dr Willett leaves …

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Everytime Your Number Comes Around

So all that tells me is that people like Irene don't get it. Also, stop thinking about a problematic situation over and over again. I've done a lot of research about this, and I think a lot of fear is about safety, for me as well. Otherwise, the insulin resistance …

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Getting Outside

The flower is a meaningful metaphor because its petals joined together make a balanced whole. The next thing I know, I'm down on my hands and knees, tangled up in some kind of shrub that is growing at the edge of the road, right by the tumbleweeds. Seventy-five percent of …

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Common Responses To Warmth

In 1985, when the General Social Survey asked Americans how many people they'd discussed important matters with over the last six months, the most common response was three. Because white is associated with the Creativity gua, which has metal as its element (once again, refer to the chart). By now …

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Managing Stress And Fear

If we weaken the mortar, if we interfere with the stability of this fear-based substance, the bricks in the wall pose not much more of an obstacle than a house of cards. In my mind, a CMA is a more accurate predictor of the current value of your house than …

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What Do You Still Need To Release?

In this article, for the sake of simplicity, I am going to lump all these 'private experiences' into two categories. It's a new habit that needs to be set in muscle memory, in habit memory. Dinner had gone well, and she had been looking forward to an evening of intimacy …

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What New Challenge Are You Ready For?

For example, one of my patients noticed that her coworkers seemed to be avoiding her when she returned to the office after her son's suicide. Mendez, the United Nations Special Rapporteur on Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment, notes, The United States uses solitary confinement more …

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