The Importance Of Meditation

We are not trying to change the breath or breathe in any particular way, but if this happens naturally, just let it be. If you have difficulty assessing the odds of a feared outcome (question 8), make an estimate of all the times in the last year someone in the …

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Found And Lost

He is dedicated to helping others find meaning and value in their lives. That's why it's critical to learn how to think like a doctor and take a big-picture perspective. According to Todd Miller, an associate professor in the Department of Exercise Science at George Washington University, everyone should engage …

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Setting Our Motivation

If you suspect that you might have OSA, just go to your doctor for an evaluation and sleep study. Letting go allows for something entirely new to arise in your awareness--something that you had not conceived of before. If you do, you'll end up with hormonal imbalance, poor sleep, digestive …

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Go Out To A Movie

We have discussed inflammation in the context of fighting illness, and in the context of symptoms associated with rheumatoid arthritis, for example. My back had already been aching from having to pick the article out of the lowest article shelf, and my hand was shaking from the effort of having …

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Cultivate Friendship

With all of the experiences that you have in your life, you are always working on finding balance within the day-to-day. If you used those days and hours to work on a new business for yourself, how far along would you be? For their generation, he said, Jonas's film diaries …

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Attract And Amplify Love

These foods contains a unique mixture of vegetable fibres, vitamins, oligo-elements (pure trace minerals present in tiny quantities) and phytochemicals, which after being processed by our gut microbes, release a number of metabolites crucial in protection from many common diseases. I wouldn't have guessed his answer if you'd given me …

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A Menu Of Options

I am spellbound by the mix of horror and nostalgia. Her guilty plea was likely influenced by the fact that she was also the only suspect for the 2006 murders of her husband (gunshot) and a former lover (drug overdose). When arrived home I asked Nancy to come and sit …

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What Am I Prepared To Change?

Examples of categories are office supplies, articles, clothing, kitchen utensils, and food. Perhaps you are familiar with the line, "the best-laid plans of mice and men often go awry"--adapted from Robert Burns's "The best laid schemes o' mice an' men / Gang aft a-gley" (Burns, n.d.). With this basic …

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Courage Is The Basis For All Success

Whereas threat-based thinking focuses on proving ourselves right to avoid feeling vulnerable or embarrassed, compassionate thinking seeks to understand the wisdom that lies behind others' perspectives. One of the critical reasons we wrote this article, having invested a significant portion of our lives into training leaders and teams in different …

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Is Orthodoxy Worth The Effort?

You had a lot of pain right after an injury, and it was not well controlled. But a primary reason may relate to changes in the microbiome when people engage with modern industrialized culture. I am not always right, but I do have feelings about what is an important observation …

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What New Challenge Are You Ready For?

For example, one of my patients noticed that her coworkers seemed to be avoiding her when she returned to the office after her son's suicide. Mendez, the United Nations Special Rapporteur on Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment, notes, The United States uses solitary confinement more …

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Abandon Yourself

In some cases the action is due to a specific chemical in the herb, while in other cases it might be due to a complex synergistic interaction between a number of the plant's constituents. You can look to China and North Korea and even past points in American history to …

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